Halo: The Master Chief Collection has tons of remade cinematics

By tons I mean 56 minutes.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection released last night and since then it's experienced some matchmaking issues, but that's where the issues begin and end.

When it comes to the games campaign and cinematics, there hasn't been much to complain about.

343 Industries worked hard with Blur Studio to bring the cinematics from the Halo series back to life. ‘When we began this project, we immediately knew Blur was the ideal partner to help us make these 10-year old cinematics jaw-dropping for the modern era. We are thrilled with the work Blur has accomplished,” said Dan Ayoub, Studio Head of External Development for 343 Industries. Around 40 characters and environments saw new designs in just about six months. 

In the end of prodcution, Blur produced 56 minutes of animation for Microsoft.
