Nintendo shoots down rumor of Netflix’s live-action Legend of Zelda show

Childhood memories preserved!

In February, a rumor surfaced that The Legend of Zelda had a live-action series was in development courtesy of Netflix. This news was revealed by the Wall Street Journal and, unfortunately, it isn't true. Nintendo president and CEO, Sataru Iwata, confirmed the heartbreaking news to TIME.

 “As of now, I have nothing new to share with you in regard to the use of our IPs for any TV shows or films, but I can at least confirm that the article in question is not based on correct information.”

The rumor could have been the best or the scariest thing gamers heard. The idea of a show based on such a popular franchise could go either way, especially since Link is a silent protagonist. 

Netflix can definitely produce great dramas such as House of Cards, but the shows that aren't based in reality, like Hemlock Grove, have been… bad, to say the least. We would've liked to at least see what this "kid friendly" Legend of Zelda show had to offer since the idea has already been out there. Then again, we can also only handle so many of our childhood memories being ruined by television. Oh well, it's not happening.

On another note, The X-Files might be getting a reboot.


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