Microsoft possibly hinting at Gears of War news with mysterious video upload

Microsoft uploads Gears of War video to Xbox YouTube channel

Microsoft is up to its strange, teasing ways, uploading a new video to the official Xbox YouTube channel that suggests information about the next Gears of War could be coming soon.

Microsoft published yesterday a video highlighting the midnight launch events of Gears of War 3. Are we looking too much into this, or is Microsoft hinting at something?

We already know a new Gears of War is in development, and that it'll be exclusive to Xbox One. We also know that Microsoft and Black Tusk Studios is also working on "other exciting" Gears projects. However, Black Tusk has already shot down rumors of a Gears of War collection that would bundle the first three games in HD for Xbox One.

So what does the recent publishing of a Gears of War video on the Xbox YouTube mean? Well, E3 is just a few months away…