Ya gotta love the French, huh? After leaking the Watchdogs Complete edition due out on September 3rd, they now have a listing for The Evil Within Game of the Year Edition due out only on Xbox One and PS4. No other platforms have listing at this is only currently visible on the French Amazon site. The game is set with a September 18th release date and will currently only be available in Europe, just as Watchdogs Complete Edition. As most game of the year editions go, this will most likely come with all released dlc. The Evil Within had 3 dlc packs consisting of the The Assignment, The Consequence and The Executioner packs. The first two were missions controlling Juli Kidman while the Executioner pack let you utilize the keeper himself.
Also included in the dlc was the pre-order bonus pack Fighting Chance which included bonus items such as a double barrel shotgun, green gel, medical kit, poison agony bolt and incendiary agony bolt. We don't know which packs will be included, but as noted above it will most likely be all of this included dlc. We'll let you know as soon as we hear more.