New ‘Realistic’ difficulty mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 delivers a one shot kill

Now we got ourselves a game

I, for one, have always played Call of Duty on Veteran, the game's highest difficulty level, in order to unlock the achievements for each campaign level. In Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Treyarch is upping the ante with a one shot kill difficulty mode called Realistic.

Speaking with Xbox Achievements, Jason Blundell of Treyarch spoke on the new mode:

“[In Realistic] you have one point of life, so if you’re shot once, you’re dead. It completely changes the way you play the game. You all have to survive as a group. You end up respecting the level in a completely different way, and once gunfire opens up, everyone just drops to the ground, because if any one bullet hits you or a grenade goes off near you, you’re dead.”

As insane as this sounds, Realistic difficulty mode will make room for some incredibly entertaining Twitch streams of the game. Of course, not every gunshot wound in real life is fatal, but there is obviously no way for the campaign to see whether you took a round to your pinky finger or the chest. 

Black Ops 3 releases November 6th on both Xbox and PlayStation platforms, but the campaign is only playable on current generation consoles.

What are your thoughts on this new difficulty level? Let us know below