Mortal Kombat creator releases screenshot of Cancelled HD original MK

Vague on the whys, it still seemed like a sure fire plan.

With the bounty of remade, remastered and repackaged games currently on the market, it would seem like a no brainer that an HD edition of the original 1992 Mortal Kombat would be an easy sell to a publisher and an even easier sell to fans. 

However, according to Ed Boon, the series creator, one was under development but never made it to completion. Via Twitter Boon released a single HD screen shot along with the message “Hi-Res kombat…one of these days I’ll post an article explaining how the MK HD edition never came to be…”

To be honest, that sounds like there may be some interesting industry conflict and hopefully Boon makes good on his promise of writing the afore mentioned article.
