Quantum Break looks “f*cking stunning,” according to developer Remedy

New lighting changes explained

After Quantum Break was initially and unfortunately delayed until 2016, we were left wondering exactly why and what improvements Remedy was trying to iron out. Well, most recently on Twitter head PR man Thomas Puha let us all know exactly what he was so excited about.

According to Mr. Puha, he stated that "The cinematics in #QuantumBreak are looking fucking stunning. Work is ongoing every day and the lighting especially is amazing. We are putting on the finishing lighting touches. holy shit does that make a difference. Rest of the game looks gorgeous too, no worries"

Quantum Break has got to be my most anticipated game of the year for Xbox One as it opens up an entire new type of game play set up. Initially, as you know, it was supposed to have a television show tie in similar to Defiance. That got cancelled and instead Remedy opted for short, live action scenes at the completion of each level. While the game allows us to play as the hero Jack Joyce, the cut scenes will play out depending on our in game choices while focusing on the villain's side of the story. The villain, played by Game of Thrones' Aidan Gillen (Little finger) is the head of Monarch Solutions who is hunting down Jack Joyce as he tries to expose the company for beginning the break in space/time that is threatening the Earth's very existence. What are you most looking forward to about Quantum Break? Let us know.