Last month the Oculus Rift was officially made available for pre-order, revealing what most considered a high price. Since then, the focus has shifted to its competition — Sony's PlayStation VR headset. Will the competing device be similarly priced or will it be cheaper?
Sony has yet to officially reveal the price of their VR headset, though they have mentioned that it may be priced like a new console, making the estimated cost around $500 (which isn't far off from the $599 price of the Oculus Rift).
According to a Sony representative there are rumors that the headset itself will cost $299 and will not include the camera of PlayStation Move controllers. The representative went on to say that Sony is considering selling an additional VR kit for $129 that will include the camera, Move controllers and a game. Combined, the PlayStation VR and the additional kit with gear would cost $428.
In addition to the pricing, the representative mentioned that Sony is looking to extend the life of the PSVR for as long as they can. To do so, they are looking to make the first generation headset compatible with the PlayStation 5.
While this price point is appealing, it should be noted that the source of this rumor was not revealed. This rumor is taken at the word of Redditor sirdomino who stated that they had spoken to a Sony representative who, in-turn, told them this rumor.
Essentially, until Sony officially reveals their price – this rumor should be considered hearsay. It would be nice to see the PSVR available at that price though.