Neko Entertainment bringing ‘Replay — VHS is not dead’ to consoles next week

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When 'Replay — VHS is not dead' came out for PC in July of last year, game designer Danial Karimimanjili told GameZone that his team was considering the possibility of bringing their puzzle-platformer to the console space. Seven months later, it has become a reality — no time bending required.

Indie publisher Neko Entertainment confirmed today that 'Replay — VHS is not dead' will be available on PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U as of next week — on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, respectively. The game, in which players plunge into universes based on familiar movie genres and titles, originally started out as an exploration of theatre concepts before adopting the premise of VHS worlds.

2015 saw a break in consistency from Neko Entertainment, a team that has otherwise brought indie offerings to the Wii U eShop every year since the console launched. Kudos to them for getting back in the habit.