Here are some things you need to know about the upcoming Justice League film

A much different film than Batman v Superman.

Some lucky members of the press got to go to the set of Warner Bros' Justice League and see a couple scenes with some members of the superhero team. The press also got loads of insight on the tone of the film, the plot, future films in the DC line-up, and what the team on the film has changed after the backlash on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. WB invited the most negative members of the press, specifically the one's who really hated Batman v Superman, and hoped to change their minds on the DC cinematic universe.

Below you will find a round-up of some of the most important things to know about the Justice League film and the future of the DCCU. For those who don't want Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice spoiled, leave now! There are also potential spoilers for the Justice League film but if Warner Bros was ok to share it with members of the press, I don't think you have much to be worried about. You have been warned.

Batman isn't a stone cold killer anymore.

One of the things people were divided on was that the man who doesn't kill straight up murdered people in the most brutal ways possible for a PG-13 movie. When speaking to press, Ben Affleck mentioned how the events of Batman v Superman has changed the character of Bruce Wayne and Batman.

“Batman definitely went to a very dark place that was rooted in trauma that occurred to people that he loved and worked with and what he saw. This movie is not about that issue for him so much anymore, he’s no longer sort of extreme in that way. From the experiences of the last movie, he’s sort of learned and now he’s sort of wanting to redeem himself and wanting mankind to be redeemed and he’s wanting to make the world better.”

Ben Affleck also mentioned how Batman isn't a humorless, gruff, depressed shell of a man. He is more witty in this film.

"[Batman is] a little bit more sardonic, humor, a little more irony. He’s on a little more man on a mission this time. As opposed to like he was so full of anger because of what happened at the Black Zero Event. That kind of character, that sort of rage that possessed him. And now he’s on a mission to get this group together.”


Batman v Superman was the darkest film of all DC movies, both now and going forward.

Some may argue that the problems with Batman v Superman don't stem from it's dark story. To some, it was refreshing to see something this dark in a superhero film since Marvel is seen as having the more family friendly films. It would appear that we aren't going to see much darkness in the future with these films, whether that turns out to be a good or bad thing remains to be seen.

Justice League is much more inclusive. I think also you have these two very young characters, Flash and Cyborg. And you know, they’re definitely lighter. I think they’re going to appeal to a younger audience,” said producer Debbie Snyder.

Press also noted that Ezra Miller's Flash seemed to be very energetic and happy to be a superhero, similar to the Spider-Man we saw in Captain America: Civil War.

Affleck mentioned that this will also be a whole different ball game tonally compared to the dark and gritty nature of BvS.

“[There's] room for more humor. It’s not going to be – DC movies I think, by their nature are a little more – gothic, or mythic rather, excuse me, than some comic book movies are. But that movie was very dark and heavy because it was really rooted in Dark Knight Returns which is a heavy, dark book. And this is not that.”

The plot is centered around The Motherboxes, Steppenwolf, and Bruce Wayne forming the Justice League.

We got a very brief tease for Justice League in a deleted scene from Batman v Superman that was released on YouTube, the scene showed Steppenwolf (a menacing villain related to Darkseid) showing Lex Luthor three cubes that were assumed to be Motherboxes. Press have confirmed that there will be three Motherboxes in the film and they belong to three different, for lack of a better term, cultures. The boxes belong to mankind, the Amazonians, and the people of Atlantis. They aren't talking about what they do quite yet or what their purpose is in the film but it will all be explained for those that aren't hardcore comic-book readers.

It has also been confirmed Steppenwolf is indeed the villain, no word on if Darkseid will make an appearance in the film but if he does it sounds as if it may be fairly minor as they are focusing on Steppenwolf. Warner Bros. isn't talking about who the actor is that will be playing the alien since they are still negotiating the contract with the actor. Darkseid's minion army of Parademons are also set to be a large part of the film. A piece of concept art was even shown to the press that showcased Wonder Woman fighting a Parademon right next to the Batmobile.

The plot of the film will focus primarily on Batman rounding up the Justice League after he senses an unknown force coming to Earth a few months after the events of Batman v Superman.

No longer two films, will be condensed into one film.

Although WB announced the film as a two-part film similar to The Hunger Games: Mockingjay and Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, it would appear plans have changed. Debbie Snyder confirmed that the movie is no longer two parts and the entire film will release in November of 2017.


New vehicles, gadgets, and costumes.

Batman is known for his wide array of tools like the Batarang, his multi-purpose Batsuits, and of course the Batmobile and Batwing. So it should come as no surprise when they revealed two new vehicles and a brand new suit for Batman.

The two new vehicles are called the Flying Fox and the Nightcrawler. The Nightcrawler sounds to be more like a spider-like tank that can traverse areas the Batmobile or Batwing can't. When it moves it damages the ground beneath it. The crew built a practical top half, but the bottom half will be built in post-production with CGI.

The Flying Fox is similar to the Avenger's Quinjet and is three stories tall. It can carry the Batmobile and the entire Justice League. The ship also has a gunner position, concept art shown exclusively to the press even shows Alfred Pennyworth controlling the gunner position!

Batman will have the same suit he had in BvS, but with some more armor protecting him underneath the suit. He also has some spikes on his arm for close quarters combat. However, near the end of the film he will get a new suit that has more carbon fiber, a new cowl with added protection, amplified strength for when he is wounded, and goggles that control a new vehicle!

Superman isn't dead.

Although they wouldn't speak to if he's in the film, how large his part would be, or how he'd come back, they confirmed he's not dead and will come back after that devastating blow to the chest in Batman v Superman.

J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon and Willem Dafoe's character.

J.K. Simmons' portrayl of the iconic Batman character, Commissioner Gordon, will not be absolutely jacked and showing off his massive guns like we thought. This is the Gordon we all know and love, ripped straight out of the comics. Hat, trench coat, tie, glasses, etc. Fans of the tragic character will be more than pleased.

A few months ago, it was revealed Willem Dafoe would be playing a character in the film but they weren't ready to reveal who it was yet. He will be playing one of Aquaman's friends, Vulko! Vulko has a long, long history with Aquaman and is a member of the Atlantis community himself. In the comics he has assumed many roles in Atlantis even becoming the king. I don't think he will be the king in this film but will probably remain a scientist like he is usually seen as!

There's many more things to know about Justice League that you can view at Collider where they give a handy rundown of all the things they personally saw on set. Justice League will be released November 17th, 2017.