ThinkGeek will be releasing a plush bean bag chair modeled after the big lovable pokemon, Snorlax.
For those of you who have been relishing in the newest game, Pokemon GO, you've probably hatched a good amount of those stubborn 10km eggs. If so, its more likely you're the proud parent of a cuddly Snorlax nestled snuggly in your Pokedex. While Snorlax has been a staple of the pokemon mythos since the beginning, fans and trainers have never known what its like to snuggle right alongside one.
Recently,, known purveyors of comic, movie, and gaming merchandise, has revealed that they plan to release a big, plush bean bag chair featuring that lavably rotund pokemon we all love.
The ThinkGeek exclusive chair will clock in at four feet long from head to toe, but not to worry, he won't be nearly as heavy as his half-ton game counterpart. The Snorlax chair still isn't available just yet, but it will retail on the site for $149.99 (with a $10 heavy item surcharge) and is currently accepting pre-orders before its release in December this year, just in time for the holiday season.