After getting hit with a slight delay, This Is The Police has finally released in full after being Kickstarted back in February 2015. To accompany the game's release, publisher Eurovideo Medien says they are giving a 10% discount to celebrate the launch on PC. This Is The Police is scheduled to release on PS4 and Xbox One later this year, though, no official release date has been given.
1,910 made This Is The Police a reality in February last year when the game's Kickstarter campaign surpassed its initial goal of $25,000 to earn $35,508.
This Is The Police stars Jack Boyd, a beloved police chief who has a mere 180 days until he retires. The goal of the game is to help Jack earn half a million dollars before then by any means necessary. You can accomplish the goal by doing a variety of seedy things like selling seized drugs to the Mafia or trading favors with psychotic killers.
You can grab This Is The Police right now for $14.99 on Steam and