[Watch] Adorable hamster beats Super Mario Bros. level in record time

It's Friday, what do you want from me?

If your Friday is dragging on, don't worry, there's light at the end of the tunnel. To make things go by a bit smoother, there's a video of a hamster playing Super Mario Bros. that will help.  YouTube user yutako55 created a Super Mario Bros. diorama, equipped with sunflower seeds at the end, for her hamster to traverse.

The pet’s owner, yutako55, created the in-depth diorama after her daughter asked if they could construct a maze for the cute hamster and promises that she will be making a Level 2 stage for her hamster to defeat.

Unfortunately, 'HamuMario' lost its hat early on, but managed to fit its plump self down the green pipe. 
