Here’s how much your original PS4 is worth if you trade it in for a PS4 Slim or Pro at GameStop

Take a guess before you even read the article.

Sony recently officially announced that a new slimmer version of the PlayStation 4, which will be taking the place of the original PS4 on store shelves and they revealed the enhanced version, the PS4 Pro. Prior to the PS4 Slim and Pro being revealed, Microsoft launched the Xbox One S (which sold insanely well).

With all of these opportunities to upgrade consoles, gamers are looking at plenty of ways to empty out their wallets. Luckily, GameStop is offering a trade-in deal for any of the new PS4 or Xbox One consoles. 

The question is, how much is your PS4 and/or Xbox One worth? Well, between the dates of September 14th and September 20th, you can trade in either your PS4 or Xbox One for $125 in credit towards any new hardware.

The fine print on the deal specifies that the trade-in is not valid towards cash trades and must be towards a new console.