Pokémon Alolan forms are getting even weirder

Demo for Sun and Moon reveals Dugtrio Alolan form

An elongated Exeggcutor. A trippy Muk. A mustachioed Rattata. The Alolan forms of classic Pokémon are nothing if not imaginitive. Depending on who you ask, some hate them and some adore them. But I imagine none of them will be as divisive as Alolan Dugtrio.

Pokémon Alolan forms are getting even weirder

The discovery was uncovered in the Pokémon Sun and Moon demo that has begun to drop across the world, and yes, it features a version of Dugtrio wearing a wig. Well, wigs. The internet has of course done what it does best, an example of which can be found below. If you live in North America, you'll be able to experience the absolutely fabulous Dugtrio yourself when the demo drops at 10 AM EST.