Not every single Nintendo Switch game will take advantage of the console's TV/Portable abilities. Originally, many people assumed the console would need to be docked in order to take advantage of some of the console's full features. It turns out the opposite is true.
Some games will require a touch screen to play. For example, Voez, originally a rhythm game on iOS and Android, is a Japanese Switch launch title and requires a touch screen to play. Voez is a lane-based rhythm game that's actually visually pleasing and looks fun, but can only be played in a portable fashion on the Switch.
Other games, specifically Has Been Heroes, look like mobile games but are much more involved, so the decision to make Voez portable only seems to be a developer decision as opposed to the console manufacturer instead.
Could this lead to a line of games designed specifically for on-the-go action? Nintendo Switch has marketed player choice pretty heavily, but not every decision made by third-party developers can be controlled by Nintendo. Considering the mobile abilities of the system, this could shape the Nintendo Switch library to be comprised of games best played on a TV, best played/only available mobile, and hybrid games.
The question is: Is this a bad thing, or is this simply just more choice being offered to players?