The Power Rangers mid-credit scene leaks; Details here

Pretty much what you expected

I mistakenly spoiled this for someone here already today. If you don't want to know anything about the teaser, don't read on. It's your fault if you do. 


Ok, if you're still here you either don't care or you're a sadist. Anyhow, away we go. We learned yesterday that Power Rangers would, in fact, include a mid-credits scene thanks to an interview with director Dean Israelite with Collider. Today, thanks to Cinemablend, we know what that scene exactly is. 

It will deal with Tommy in order "to keep things organic". A teacher will call out Tommy Oliver's name in detention after school. Although we won't see the student who is playing Tommy, it sets up the Ranger's return for the sequel. Of course, Tommy could be either the Green Ranger if they recover the power coin from Rita or the White Ranger, which is teased by the logo on the back of Jason's truck. The Red Ranger isn't really a viable option as Dacre  Montgomery isn't going anywhere anytime soon. 

Power Rangers will hit theaters on March 24th, 2017. Let us know what you think of the teaser reveal below.