Grand Theft Auto V online continues to be updated years after its release. New modes, items, patches and other updates come regularly. This month, however, Rockstar Games announced a pretty big change in how unlocked vehicles work.
Previously, certain vehicles were locked behind the completion of heist missions. These vehicles could only be bought after a heist was completed. But in the latest update, a "buy it now" option has appeared. This makes having to get a group together to do a heist your not particularly interested in just to get a car you want.
But completing heists and unlocking these vehicles does still come with a benefit. The cost of those vehicles (in-game currency of course) is significantly cheaper after the heist is completed, making completing heists still worth it. This also applies to some heist equipment as well.
There's also a new resurrection mode. According to the official website:
“Compete in this new mode in 7 distinct locations including the Aircraft Carrier, Ron Alternates Wind Farm and Elysian Island – with 2 teams and 4-8 total players, where the objective is to eliminate the entire opposing force, and where every enemy you kill revives a fallen member of your squad (in the order in which they were killed).”
Lastly, the latest update added new races, patches and general quality-of-life improvements to the game.