April Fool’s 2017: Amazon Echo ‘reveals’ new feature, Petlexa

Now your pets can control your Echo while you're out of the house!

The April Fool's jokes keep rolling in, and this time it's Amazon coming through with a brand new "feature" for their home Echo device called Petlexa. Petlexa interprets the various sounds your animals make to discern what it is they actually want. Whether it's an update on how many steps your hamster has run in its wheel, placing an order of sushi for your cat, or playing fetch with your dog, Petlexa can do it all. If only it were real.

It's also worth noting that if you go into the Amazon app on your smartphone today, and use the microphone feature, saying "Give me a prank" will let Alexa give you some good ideas on how to get someone good today. There's a particularly brutal one about a caramel apple and an onion. 

Amazon advertised the feature on their Twitter account.

Happy April Fool's Day everyone!

Source: [Amazon]