Indie developer Enigami has officially released their Action-RPG epic, Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom two years after successfully completing its Kickstarter campaign. It's been a long time coming for this game, as the game's universe was crafted almost 20 years ago by studio co-founder, Samir Rebib. Publisher Focus Home Interactive also released a launch trailer for Shiness, which you can check out below.
In Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom, players take on the role of Chado and his four companions, who journey across the land of Mehera, which has been broken by war. Combat takes elements from traditional fighting games and blends them into an RPG system that makes each battle more personal in a way that has never been done before. Players will use fast-paced combos, parrying, blocking, and powerful magical abilities, each of which is different for each character in the party.
Players will also be able to use each party members' unique abilities to manipulate the environment. Abilities like Kayenne's telekinesis and Askel's far-reaching whip will allow players to reach areas they wouldn't otherwise be able to.
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.