Middle-Earth: Shadow of War has undoubtedly faced its share of self-imposed struggles, most recently over the "Forthog Orc-Slayer" controversy. According to a thread on the game's Steam forum, a user who goes by the name Star claims that the game's DLC orcs, specifically the Pre-Order Legendary Champions War Party are one-time use only. What's significant about this is that if you start a new game, you won't be able to access the Champions again, as they will be confined to your original save file.
There wasn't anything said about the Sword of Dominion which also comes as a pre-order incentive, and it is worth noting that neither Warner Bros. nor Monolith have confirmed or denied the news, so take it with a grain of salt.
The basis for the Steam user's claims comes from a live stream Q&A and a Reddit chat that took place afterward. Here's a screenshot of the excerpt from the chat:
Between the introduction of Microtransactions in a single-player game (AKA The Marketplace), and the Orc-Slayer donation uproar, you've got to think that Shadow of War can ill-afford any more player backlash. But until we know for certain one way or the other, let's keep our sanity hats on for the time being.
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War releases on PC, PS4, and Xbox One on October 10th, 2017.
Sources: [Steam, Segment Next, MMO Examiner]