GameZone was able to get a personal demo of the upcoming action MMORPG from Perfect World Entertainment, RaiderZ.

Players who are familiar with the Monster Hunter formula will ease right into RaiderZ, though we were assured that the game is meant to kick your ass.

Since the game doesn’t use tab targeting, it’s all about the action in RaiderZ. Action based combat will ensure that you’re always part of the fight, always having to dodge attacks and ensuring you watch your stamina so you don’t get tired too easily.

The game allows for class hybrids, so even though you choose an initial class, you’ll be able to learn skills from the other classes as you level up through the game.

The game is set to go into closed beta fairly soon, with an open beta looking to be sometime later this year.

RaiderZ is shaping up to be an awesome free to play action based MMO that monster hunting fans can sink a ton of hours into.