This morning, we all crawled out of bed to start the week. No one likes Mondays, they’re awful… but acclaimed RPG developer CD Projekt Red decided they were going to kick off our week with something great. Five years after its initial announcement, CD Projekt Red has debuted the first ever gameplay for their highly anticipated first-person RPG, Cyberpunk 2077.
Press got the lucky opportunity to see the sci-fi shooter at E3 this year and had nothing but great things to say but CD Projekt Red stated it would be a while before the general public got the chance to see the game. This isn’ totally uncommon, developers usually don’t like showing their games too early to the public due to the internet not always having the most competent people. Some people get mad because they find bugs, glitches, unfinished assets, and other things when in reality, it’s because the game isn’t done and won’t be for years.
Over the last few months, CD Projekt Red took the time to polish the demo to show the public and well, it looks insane. In the nearly hour-long demo, we get an in-depth look at the detailed world of Cyberpunk 2077, the ins and outs of the mechanics (still a work in progress, of course), and much more. Needless to say, it looks like CD Projekt Red is going to deliver an incredible successor to The Witcher trilogy.
With fast-paced gunplay that features incredible mechanics like the ability to slow down time, use enhanced mobility, and strategically ricochet bullets off surfaces, CD Projekt Red showcases a gameplay style drastically different than The Witcher’s but one that looks incredibly smooth.
You can see the full demo below which will certainly have everyone raving for the next week or so.
Cyberpunk 2077 has no release date as of right now but many are crossing their fingers for a late 2019 release date.