Snow White and the Huntsman Trailer is Epic and Inception-y

When you hear the name Snow White, your first thought probably goes straight to Walt Disney's timeless classic animated cartoon. Or perhaps it just might shift to that strange, yet somewhat attention grabbing show on ABC Once Upon a Time. What you probably don't think of is a tale of epic proportions where an evil Queen (Charlize Theron) sets off to find and murder a young Snow White played by Kristen Stewart, with the help of a huntsman, played by the all-too-handsome Chris Hemsworth.

What you also might notice, if you listen very carefully is that the music that goes along with this trailer, sounds mighty like the Inception trailer song 'Mind Heist'. Not the entire thing, but particularly starting from the :50 second mark and onward, complete with the famous BWOWROWHWOWHWOM sound, even if not as powerful as the one from Inception.

Ok so maybe it's not completely like Mind Heist, but we can definitely see that the influence is definitely there. Trailer music aside, this looks to be a fairly entertaining movie. Throw Chris Hemsworth into anything and I'll go see it, no matter the mediocrity *Cough* Thor *Cough*. And for chrissake, how is Charlize Theron still hot?!