The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is one of the most beautiful games out there, there is no question about that, but as enormous as the world is, there are some nit-picky issues. One issue being addressed by developer Bethesda is on the Xbox 360 where the game is having trouble scalling textures, and may not perform properly when installed to the system's hard drive. The issue has been reported by several community members, and Bethesda was quick to comment on it.
"Skyrim uses a lot of dynamic streaming systems, including textures. We've seen a few reports of certain textures temporarily scaling down on the Xbox 360, and not scaling back up," Bethesda said on its official forums. "We have verified that this issue does not occur when playing off the disk and when the game is fully cached (not installed)."
"Skyrim makes heavy use of the Xbox 360 caching system, and caches over the normal course of play while in menus or interiors. This cache can be wiped when other games are played or when the user manually removes it."
Bethesda revealed on the forum topic that a patch is currently in the works and will be released with the next title update.