Nintendo of America is hosting two major Nintendogs events in New York City this weekend. The first, a Nintendogs Doggy Fashion Show. The show will feature real dogs wearing clothes by designer Little Lilly. The dogs on the catwalk will be available for adoption as well through the ASPCA [American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals]. The event takes place from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM on Saturday in Riverside Park, Pier I at West 70th Street. In attendance will be Napoleon Dynamite‘s Haylie Duff, TV host Mark L. Walberg, and legendary game designer Shigeru Miyamoto. Gamers who bring their Nintendo DS systems to the event will be able to get a special wireless message and virtual gift from Duff. Gamers too far from New York City to attend will be able to get the message and gift at a later date.
On Sunday, Miyamoto will be making a rare appearance from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Nintendo World Store in Rockefeller Center. Get there early, as only the first 200 in line are guaranteed autographs. The first ten in line with a Nintendo DS and Nintendogs will be able to interact with Miyamoto’s dog in Bark Mode. Miyamoto also will unlock and unleash a hidden breed in Nintendogs, the Jack Russell terrier, to fans at the store.
In related news, Nintendo has also confirmed sales over over 1.5 million units for Nintendogs, and the company also has stated that it is working hard to get more copies of the game to retailers, who have reported shortages. In addition, Nintendo has acknowleged that Nintendogs has made its way into pop culture, with a mention in the comic Fox Trot earlier this month.god of war