Online Play and More Confirmed for Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter 4 will be more aggressive than previous installments but promises to be a homecoming for fans of the series who should be able to play and pull of signature moves “without thinking too deeply”.

As confirmed earlier, Street Fighter 4 will feature the same 2D gameplay as with previous games but with 3D graphics. Capcom has said that the game runs at 60 frames per second and that the time frame is between Super Street Fighter II Turbo and Street Fighter III.

Producer Yoshinori Ono says that the game will not look like the teaser trailer released earlier this year but will instead use an art style that makes that title look like moving paintings.

Their current plan is to bring as many characters from the original Street Fighter 2 into the game as possible. “We’d like to add details such as if a character gets hit in the shoulder multiple times, perhaps his shoulder hangs a little lower, or perhaps his animations are affected,” Ono said.

Changes in the game include the ability to use Saving moves. By storing up points players can use them for temporary boosts in combat or to cancel and feint. Capcom also says that online play is a must and that downloadable content is under consideration.

AMN will keep you updated.