Original Bionic Commando 3D Remake Headed to PSN/XBLA

In addition to the already startling and pleasant surprise that a next-gen Bionic Commando sequel will be heading to PS3 and Xbox 360, Capcom intends to release a remake of the original Bionic Commando on Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network. The title, which will be a 3D remake of the original classic, is named Bionic Commando: Master D Revival Plan (which is known in Japan as Hitler’s Revival).

Besides receiving a revamped 3D treatment in the remake, you can expect simultaneous two player action, secret locations to uncover, and some plot-related elements that will connect the original Bionic Commando to the new, next-gen Bionic Commando.

At this time, there’s no set release outside of Japan, which is tagged for a Spring release. No pricing is known, either, but we suspect there’ll be more details sometime later this month.