We knew this was going to happen. We knew Wii Fit would bring on a slew of wannabes and cash wranglers. We knew the Wii Balance Board would fall victim to cheap knockoffs and subpar gaming. We were right, by the way. My guess, this is just the beginning.
Jillian Michaels, no doubt an attractive woman, has gone ugly and joined the ranks of money grubbing Wii software. Jillian Michaels’ Fitness Ultimatum 2009. Trailer…
First off, what the shit is with the “Ultimatum?” Get fit or die? Get fit or be made fun of? Get fit or stare at this game’s terrible graphics. My god, it’s like they ripped the engine straight out of Goldeneye and threw in some motion control. Sorry Goldeneye, I didn’t mean to lump you in with such absurd garbage.
Jillian Michaels needs to stick with The Biggest Loser, or whatever crap she’s on now, and leave the gaming world alone. As if us nerds didn’t have enough to be pissed off about, now we’ve got to deal with this? It’s a life of harrowing guilt and anger friends, I love it.
Man, great, now look at me… I’m cranky. I’m gonna go play NHL 09, but I’m not going to enjoy it.