English Mother Drops Over 118 Pounds with Wii Fit

Lara Roberts, a 38-year old mother from Farnborough, Hants in England has managed to reduce her weight from 18 stone (a unit of measurement equal to 14 pounds) to less than ten stone within a year. And to what does she credit the loss?

Why, Wii Fit, of course.

Previously, she found difficulty in climbing stairs, as well as embarrassment at the prospect of having sex with her husband. Now, after a year’s worth of Wii Fit (at an hour a day), she has dropped twelve sizes and is now fit to go clubbing.

“I feel like I’ve been reborn,” she told News of the World.

Following the birth of her second child, she found losing the extra weight difficult, and the problem was compounded by comfort eating, which led to an intake of more than 4,000 calories per day.

“I’d have a cooked breakfast most days and cheese sandwiches and pizza for lunch,” Lara recalled. “And I snacked constantly on biscuits and crisps and cakes and got through litres of fizzy drinks a day. Nothing could fill me up.”

Things reached their breaking point when a friend told her she “never stopped eating.” She was too embarrassed to join a gym or go jogging, so she turned to Wii Fit and began getting up at 5am for a morning workout and began eating healthier.

“I knew if I didn’t do something, chances are I wouldn’t live to see my girls grow up,” she said.

You can see how she looked in the image at the top of this article. And now?

She now weighs nine and a half stone, and is comfortable enough to joke that her 15-year old daughter’s friends fancy her. Lara will also be appearing on the BBC 3 show “I’m Hotter Than My Daughter” next month.

“I’ve become a real exhibitionist,” she laughs. “And the best thing is the improvement in my sex life.”

“As far as I’m concerned the Wii Fit saved my life.”