ESPN NBA 2Night 2002

Better Performance
Enter “ABILITYBONUS” as a case-sensitive code at the “Cheat” screen under the options menu.

Better Shooting
Enter “EXCELLENT” as a case-sensitive code at the “Cheat” screen under the options menu.

Easy Dunks
Enter “DUNKERS” as a case-sensitive code at the “Cheat” screen under the options menu.

Big Heads
Enter “BIGHEAD” as a case-sensitive code at the “Cheat” screen under the options menu.

Big Feet
Enter “BIGFOOT” as a case-sensitive code at the “Cheat” screen under the options menu.

Big Hands
Enter “BIGHAND” as a case-sensitive code at the “Cheat” screen under the options menu.

Small Players
Enter “MINIMINI” as a case-sensitive code at the “Cheat” screen under the options menu.

Flat Players
Enter “PANCAKE” as a case-sensitive code at the “Cheat” screen under the options menu.

Invisible Players
Enter “INVISIBLE” as a case-sensitive code at the “Cheat” screen under the options menu.

Show Ball Trails
Enter “BEFOREIMAGE” as a case-sensitive code at the “Cheat” screen under the options menu.

No Crowd
Enter “NOSPECTATOR” as a case-sensitive code at the “Cheat” screen under the options menu.

Lights Out
Enter “DARKNESS” as a case-sensitive code at the “Cheat” screen under the options menu.

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