SOE schedules maintenance for tomorrow, March 15

As Sony Online Entertainment prepares to launch its new free-to-play EverQuest in celebration of its 13th anniversary on March 16, the company is temporarily taking servers offline to perform maintenance starting tomorrow at 12:01 AM PST. This down period will affect several services.

EverQuest II players will have to manage without voice chat from 7:00 AM to approximately 9:00 AM Pacific.

Users will not be able to access their account management between 12:01 AM and 9:00 AM. Transactions on SOE websites or at in-game marketplaces will also shut down during this time.

Forums will close and be read-only from 12:01 AM  to 6:00 AM. Lastly, players might be blocked from logging in during this time frame, but those already logged in should be able to bypass this issue. So consider planning ahead if you want to play.

Will you take advantage of the free-to-play version?