According to a report that surfaced earlier today, EA’s Peter Moore will soon be stepping into the role of the company’s CEO, a position currently held by John Riccitiello.
GameFront, who first broke the story, is reporting that Riccitiello will soon be stepping down due to the company’s falling stock prices, along with a “general feeling of tension” after EA’s first quarter earnings call on July 30th, their sources say. Moore, who has served as EA’s Chief Operating Officer for a year now, will allegedly take over as CEO and look to fix the company’s major problems.
Moore has been outspoken on EA’s future since his introduction in 2011, including a recent, emotional press briefing that focused around free-to-play games. He’s also backed several of Riccitiello’s ideas including the online pass feature that most gamers seem to despise with a passion.
If this report is indeed true, which, with this much information, most likely is, EA will enter into a new period of its history. Moore is has been an excellent addition to the company and certainly has ideas how to return EA to all its glory. Will the company indeed switch over to an all-digital focus? Will the company look to hire outside studios to work on more triple-A titles? Questions like these will have to be answered by Peter Moore if he indeed becomes EA’s next CEO.
Source: [GameFront]