Upcoming Nintendo 3DS games to get excited for

There is currently a drought of AAA Nintendo 3DS games this summer. Luckily, the drought comes to an end August 19th when New Super Mario Bros. 2 releases as well as the Nintendo 3DS XL. That’s not the only big game coming out for the 3DS this year however. While every big game coming out this year is indeed made by Nintendo, there is a lot of variety. Whether you like RPG’s or action games, there’s something for everyone.

New Super Mario Bros. 2

New Super Mario Bros. 2 – As mentioned above, this is the first big hit for the 3DS in quite some time. The original was easily one of my favorite game for the DS when it launched, and the second looks equally as promising. The big change here is that the focus will be on coin collection. Sure coin collecting has been in Mario games but has never quite been the focus. There’s the standard Mario story, and there are competitive coin collecting modes through StreetPass as well. This game also features co-op, which will let you and your local friend coin hunt together.

LuigiLuigi’s Mansion 2 – Following in the footsteps of the original Gamecube launch title, players will be thrown back into the haunted mansions. If you haven’t played Luigi’s Mansion before, your main objective is to look for ghosts and capture them in your vacuum Ghostbusters style. The first game was a lot of fun, albeit short, which hopefully the second game will address. The use of 3D should be spectacular in this game, as ghosts should look more even more holographic with the feature turned on. Luigi’s Mansion 2 currently has a “Holiday” 2012-release window.

Paper Mario: Sticker Star – The last version of Paper Mario to hit stores came early in the Wii’s lifecycle. This will be the first version on a Nintendo handheld, and looks very promising. This version has a focus on stickers, as you might have guessed. Turning objects into various stickers will help you progress in this RPG. Sticker Star looks to be like a long game, which should be perfect for multiple outings on the go. Let the hunt for stickers begin this Holiday.

PokemonPokémon White and Black Version 2 – I know what you’re thinking; this is a DS game, not a 3DS game. While this is true, you will be able to play both these games on your 3DS so I included them, not to mention you will have additional uses of two Pokemon apps that will work in conjunction with Black and White Version 2. Although I think these games should have been made for the 3DS in the first place, it is still exciting whenever a new Pokémon game comes out. These sequels will take place after the events of the first games, so playing through Pokémon White and Black now will catch you up by October 7th.

These are the 3DS games that I can’t wait for this year. If you think I missed any, let me know in the comments below. Also, tell me which of the games above you’re most looking forward to.

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