Dust 514 ‘Precursor’ update goes live today, and new screenshots!

The much-awaited Dust 514 Precursor update goes live today effectively, for the first time, integrating the PS3 first person shooter with PC MMORPG EVE Online.

The Precursor update moves Dust 514 from its standalone testing server over to the EVE Online testing server. Once live, players on EVE's Singularity (aka "Sisi") server, whether on Dust 514 or EVE Online, will be able to chat in real time and send in-game mail between games.

The update also includes Orbital Strike framework, instant battle matchmaking, new environments, keyboard and mouse support, and tons of other enhancements.

Celebrating the milestone for Dust 514, CCP has released a fresh batch of new screenshots showing a variety of different weapons, armor, and equipment at the disposal of the DUST mercenaries. In some screenshots you'll notice the destruction vehicles can cause on the battlefield, particularly tanks and dropships.

Lastly, from now until September 4, all Sony PlayStation Plus subscribers will receive "exclusive" access to Dust 514's closed beta. Mercenary Pack purchases, and those who already have All-Access Passes can still access the closed beta, but new codes will not be distributed any other way during this time.

Dust 514 is set to enter Open Beta in 2012, exclusively on PS3.