The new Evil Dead movie is going to scare me sh*tless — literally. There won't be any excrement in my body after watching this film. It's like they took everything that makes me cringe and put it in one film. The originally Evil Dead movies made me laugh; this one makes me want to attend church.
If you can handle a forest doing its best 'tentacle porn' impression, bloody projectile from someone's mouth spraying someone in the face, facial cutting with a shard of glass, cutting off one's own arm, pulling something out of your eye (I had to turn away, so I can't tell you what it is), or watching someone split their tongue in half on a knife that culminates in a bloody lesbian kiss, then this movie might be for you.
The trailer is very, very Redband, so please, if you're under 18, don't watch it. Evil Dead opens in theaters April 12, 2013.
You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at LLiebl@GameZone.com