No localization has been announced, but Sony Computer Entertainment Asia confirmed today that it will publish and distribute the upgraded version of Ragnarok Odyssey with Chinese, Korean, and English text options.
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace is an enhancement on role-playing game Ragnarok Odyssey, which Xseed Games published for PlayStation Vita last year. The new version is due to release on July 11 in Japan on both PS Vita and PlayStation 3.
Whether this has appeal for a full Western localization is uncertain. Obviously, Xseed Games would still be a likely candidate for a publisher here, but interest would largely depend on sales figures for the original game. It sold 250,000 copies across Japan, Asia, and North America, but the latter's numbers are no doubt a smaller contribution than what came from Japan, where it then had the highest sell-through rate of any Vita game a week after launch.
The Vita has a much weaker presence in the United States, so the English text option from Sony Computer Entertainment Asia might be a compromise we'll have to accept. The handheld's instability is scaring off some gamemakers.
However, Gematsu is reporting that original Japanese publisher GungHo Online Entertainment is looking to bring the game to the West, which fits with the company's plans for expansion.
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