Rayman Legends Challenges app now available for Wii U on Nintendo eShop

Wii U owners can now download the Rayman Legends Challenges app on the Nitnendo e-Shop for free. The Wii U exclusive Online Challenges Mode was created to help comfort Wii U owners upset over the fact that the game was delayed from its original February launch until September (and now bumped up to August).

In this exclusive mode, you'll find updated Daily and Weekly Challenges to compete with friends and players online. The Online Challenges Mode is made up of four levels playable up to five players. The following is included in the standalone Challenges Mode app: 

  • A crazy run through the Land of the Livid Dead,
  • Dizzying descent into the Neverending Pit,
  • A fast and frantic sprint through the Infinite Tower,
  • A synchronized adventure through Murfy’s Dungeon, a challenge dedicated to the Wii U GamePad where one player controls as Murfy on the touch screen while another controls one of the classic characters such as Rayman.

The demo also gives us a look at the Awesomeness Level, a sort of experience level that unlocks the Daily and Weekly Extreme Challenges. You can increase your Awesomeness Level by winning cups at the end of challenges and levels; the larger the cup you win, the more points you earn. Additionally, you'll be able to collect lums during the challenges to unlock exclusive characters throughout the game.

Rayman Legends is now due out on August 30 for Wii U, Xbox 360, and PS3.