Watch Dogs gets exclusive content on PS3 and PS4

The PlayStation versions of Watch Dogs — confirmed for the PS3 and PS4 — will include 60 minutes of exclusive content, Ubisoft told us today. Confirmation of the exclusive PlayStation content came yesterday when updated box art for the game was unveiled along with a release date.

In a follow-up, Ubisosft provided the following statement, "We can confirm that customers who will purchase Watch Dogs on PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4 will be able to download 60 minutes of additional gameplay via the PlayStation Network after the game's launch. As of now, we have no more details to share."

This shouldn't come as much of a shocker, given Ubisoft's history of providing Sony platforms with exclusive content. Assassin's Creed 3 had the Benedict Arnold DLC, while Far Cry 3 received the High Tides co-op content. What remains unclear is how the extra PlayStation content will tie in with the 60 minutes of exclusive content that comes along with the various Collector's Editions of the game. If you purchase the PlayStation Collector's Edition, will you get two hours of bonus content? If so, that's a pretty sweet deal.