Good news gamers, your cries for less restriction on used games do not fall on deaf ears. After the recent "#PS4NoDRM" campaign caught the eyes of several Sony employees, gamers begun to question whether their own efforts towards Microsoft and the Xbox One's restrictive control over used games were being heard. They are, and Microsoft is preparing to "address" the issue.
Responding to a fan who wondered whether Microsoft has noticed the campaigns targeting strict DRM on next-gen consoles, Larry 'Major Nelson' Hryb replied, "We're fully aware of what is going on."
"I am also working on a few things to address it," he added. "I can't say much more right now. But we ARE listening."
Hryb and other Microsoft employees have already said the Xbox One will support the playing used games, but Microsoft's shadiness on the topic — especially with rumors of some sort of required activation fee — have led to growing concern among gamers. Microsoft's refusal to come out and be clear about its plans for pre-owned games on the Xbox One have created a restless feeling among gamers once eager to see the future of gaming. That eagerness has now turned to uneasiness.
While Microsoft is listening and Hryb is working on a few things to address concerns, it's unclear if any amount of consumer pressure will force Microsoft to rethink its stance on pre-owned games — whatever it may be. All I'm looking for is answers. Just answer the questions regarding used games on the Xbox One. I believe most of the anger towards Microsoft and the Xbox is out of confusion towards the topic.