State of Decay PC version in development for Steam

XBLA title State of Decay, which has passed 500,000 sales on Xbox LIVE, has a PC version of the game actively in development for Steam. It's not known who the publisher on Steam will be, but just because it's coming to PC doesn't mean that the XBLA version will be ignored.

Undead Labs said, "For a start, I can tell you we're working on a sandbox mode desgined to be a pure survival simulation."

In other new, their plans for an MMO follow-up to State of Decay, codenamed  Class4, hasn't yet been greenlit by Microsoft, who owns the IP. Sanya Weathers, director of the community, said to Eurogamer, "We cannot begin working on Class4 without a greenlight from Microsoft (who owns the IP, as part of the bargain that led to the funding and development of State of Decay) and a mutually agreeable contract."

Weathers continued, "We have to agree on where we thing the technology is going to be in a few years (since the game will take a few years to develop); we have to agree that we have the same goals; and we have to agree on how we'll collectively run and support the final game."

You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at

