The 3DS may have been the best-selling platform overall, but when it comes strictly to living room based consoles, the Xbox 360 remains king in the United States. Xbox 360 maintained its position as the top-selling console in the United States for June 2013, with 140,000 units sold. This marks the 30th consecutive month that the Xbox 360 was the best-selling console in the U.S.
According to NPD Group, total retail spend on the Xbox 360 platform in June — including hardware, software, and accessories — reached more than $197 million, the most for any console in the United States. Additionally, the Xbox 360 held seven of the top 10 console game titles including: Minecraft, NBA 2K13, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Although Xbox 360 sales actually trended downward for the final quarter, Microsoft noted that pre-sales for the Xbox One — to be released in November of this year — are trending ahead of Xbox 360 during the same period.