PS4 to be focus of Sony’s Gamescom press conference

Sony has assured fans that the PlayStation 4 "and its games line-up" will be the focus of its press conference at Gamescom next month. With the company's next-gen system just a few months away, this is the obvious expectation, but it's always nice to hear confirmation.

Until now, Sony's line-up of launch games for the PlayStation 4 has been lackluster to say the least; however, the company has promised there's still "a lot coming."  Back in June, SCE Europe CEO Jim Ryan mentioned that they needed to have "something to show at Gamescom." Hopefully, their showing will be more than just the games already revealed.

What's startling is that even out of the first-party games revealed, only three of them will be available when the actual system releases — Driveclub, Knack, and Killzone: Shadow Fall. Apparently there are at least 30 games in development for the PlayStation 4, 12 of which are new IP. Let's hope we see some of those at Gamescom.

Sony's press conference will be held on Tuesday, August 20 at the Saatenhaus am Rheinpark in Cologne, Germany. It will begin at 7:00pm Central European Time, which if I've done my time conversion correctly means 1:00pm EST and 10:00am PST.