Call of Duty: Ghosts install size on PS4 is larger than Killzone: Shadow Fall

Game cases are slowly being unearthed, with Killzone: Shadow Fall already being available in stores and now with Call of Duty: Ghosts being launched in less than 12 hours. That also means fans are mostly looking at what the install sizes will be on their brand new PlayStation 4.

With 500GB at launch, you might think that you're set for a while, though, that might not be the case. Killzone already confirmed that it's going to need 45GB on your HDD for its mandatory install, and now it looks like Call of Duty: Ghosts will require 49GB.

That's essentially 100GB for those two shooters alone. But hang on, it might not be as bad as we think. The giant PS4 FAQ mentioned that physical copies will required cached installs. From that wording alone, it's easy to assume that once you're done playing the game, all the data simply deletes itself, and won't need to be reinstalled until you start playing again. Given that you can play while you install would definitely support this theory. Or maybe the game deletes the data only when you insert a different game into the PS4.

This would make much more sense, especially for those that plan on indulging themselves with every launch game available, not to mention games like DCUO and Planetside 2.

Whatever the case may be, we only have wait less than two more weeks, until we find out for sure.
