Sly Cooper, a Sony exclusive video game franchise, is getting the movie treatment, courtesy of creators Blockade Entertainment and Rainmaker Entertainment. Unveiled today, we now have the official movie description along with the first batch of images and even a trailer.
Sly Cooper is a kinetic and comedic heist film that tells the story of Sly Cooper, an orphaned raccoon thief, along with his childhood friends and partners in crime, Bentley Turtle and Murray Hippo. In the film, Sly learns of his birth family’s secret legacy; that he comes from a long line of talented and international thieves. Endowed with this knowledge, Sly and his friends are catapulted into a global adventure as they race to reassemble pieces of an ancient book holding The Cooper Clan’s family secrets before it can fall into the hands of Clockwerk – an evil Russian metallic owl bent on ending the Cooper family line. From romantic Parisian backdrops to the lush mountains of China, gritty film noir meets bright, colorful graphic novels in this origin story of the world’s greatest thief-turned-hero.
While this is just a short teaser of the film it gives us a good idea for what to expect when the full-featured film releases in 2016. It appears that Sly's signature humor will drive the film and based solely on the video above, I can already see it becoming a smash hit with the children. Not all youngsters may be familiar with the Sly Cooper franchise, which debuted in 2002 on the PlayStation 2, but after this film they certainly will be. Sly Cooper definitely looks promising.
What did you think of the first trailer?