It's been about three months since Microsoft revealed Xbox One would partake in the recently introduced Games with Gold program. Back in November, Microsoft's Larry 'Major Nelson' Hryb confirmed that — like the Xbox 360 — Xbox LIVE Gold members would get access to free Xbox One games each month. Details were expected to be shared in early 2014.
We're now in February and Microsoft has already revealed this month's batch of free games: Dead Island and Toy Soldiers: Cold War will be available for Xbox 360 owners. But what about Xbox One? Nothing as of yet.
However, that could change soon as Microsoft Studios boss Phil Spencer said fans can expect some sort of announcement regarding Games with Gold for Xbox One "fairly soon."
@BungaHead @XBX1GameInsider Answer to this will be coming fairly soon.
— Phil Spencer (@XboxP3) February 1, 2014
Given the relatively shallow lineup of games available for the new system, it's understandable that Microsoft would wait a few months before giving away some of the catalogue. What games would you like to see made free for Xbox One?