PS4 sales boost Sony’s Game division profit

Sony has seen its Game division profits soar thanks, in part, to the strong launch of the PlayStation 4. For the nine-month period ending December 31, 2013, Sony's Game business made 442 billion yen ($4.2 billion), which is a 64 percent increase over the  268.5bn yen made the previous year.

While credit was given to the PS4, part of the increase was due to the depreciation of the yen; if currency remained constant, Game division revenue rose only 33 percent.

Sony opted to lump all of the console sales together, so there's no updated figure for the PS4 beyond the 4.2 million announced on December 28. However, combined PS4 and PS3 sales as of December 31 were 7.8 million units. Combined Vita and PSP sales for the quarter were 2 million, down from the 2.7 million sold previously.
