Like the length of a baseball season when you're a Cubs fan, it seems the wait for MLB 14 The Show on PS4 has dragged on forever. It's almost over though, just a few more hours. Tomorrow, May 6, PlayStation 4 owners will finally be able to play the best baseball game available on the market — well, the only one if you aren't counting RBI Baseball 14.
Truth be told, MLB The Show has always been the flagship baseball game for consoles and this year it's no different, except that it's making its next-gen debut on PlayStation 4. With completely revamped graphics and all-new PS4 exclusive animations, MLB 14 The Show promises to be even better on Sony's next-gen system. But while our review must wait until tomorrow, GameStop has provided a 10 minute gameplay preview featuring a game between the San Francisco Giants and Pittsburgh Pirates being played on PS4. It's not exactly the matchup I'd hope to see, but at least it shows off those sexy, sexy graphics.