Sony working to get MLB 14 The Show for PS4 on PlayStation Store

MLB 14 The Show is out today for PlayStation 4, but it appears the game is being held at third. Due to some "unforeseen technical issues" the game is not currently available for download via the PlayStation Store. In an updated post, Sony has assured PS4 gamers that "all parties are working as quickly as possible to remedy the issue."

For those who don't want to wait, it's always possible to go to your local brick-and-mortar retailer and actually buy the physical disc version. I know, how primitive. Look, you've already waited one month extra for the PS4 version — what's a few more hours?

Don't worry, that luscious beard will still be there when the game does become available on the PS Store. In the meantime, just play the PS3 or Vita versions as you'll be able to carry your save over to the PS4 version when it does become available.

Stay tuned for our review of MLB 14 The Show on PS4, coming very shortly.

[PS Blog]