Titanfall Game Update 6 rolling out

Titanfall's Game Update Six is rolling out, which could explain some of the connectivity issues you might be experiencing right now.

Detailed last week, the latest update adds a number of new features, most notably a new Pilot Skirmish Feature Game Mode that removes all AI and Titans from the match — 8 versus 8, pilots only. The update, among other things, also makes Marked For Death its own permanent game mode, adds three colorblind options, and removes the penalties of joining a match late.

Unfortunately, it seems the update has also caused a bit of a hiccup in the online play. Respawn acknowledged connectivity issues following the update, and has assured us they are working on it.

In the meantime, here are the full patch notes for Update Six:


FX Optimizations – Optimizing effects processing and moving more effects rendering work onto additional CPU cores is a good thing. So we did that.

Matchmaking – Faster searching, improved team balancing, increasing the likelihood of being in full games, and drastically lowering the chance of having lopsided (e.g. 6v3) matches.

  • The score is now shown in the center of the screen at the end of each Last Titan Standing round.
  • New HUD Icons for team Titan counts and players using Burn Cards have been added. Last Titan Standing now shows the number of Pilots left alive on each team.
  • New voiceover for Round Won and Round Lost events as well as noting whether the gap between the teams’ scores is increasing or decreasing.


  • Titans no longer show up on the minimap when they dash.
  • Atlas and Stryder melee damage values have been switched to mirror their original design intent. The Titan melee damage order is now: Stryder, Atlas, Ogre from least to most. This is also consistent with the hierarchy of damage for the Big Punch mod.
  • To stem the influx of Burn Cards at higher levels, the Bonus XP-to-Credits conversion rate for max level players has been adjusted.
  • As part of the pan-galactic stimulus package, credits for selling rare Burn Cards have been increased from 200 to 400.


  • For the Black Market we slightly reduced the chance to get rare cards in the Standard Pack, and increased the number of rare cards in the Premium Pack from 4 to 5.
  • The Auto-Titan vortex effect should no longer orient incorrectly.
  • Fixed the shotgun, vortex fireback, and arc cannon bypassing Titan shields when used against a Pilot doing a friendly rodeo.
  • The map Export no longer contains areas where you can shoot through covered windows.
  • Grenades should now be better at predicting their movement at high frame rates.
  • Fixed a rare crash bug on Demeter in Campaign mode.


  • Fixed issue where a user couldn't sign in to Titanfall if there is a second account on the system which has access to Titanfall DLC content which the first user doesn't.
  • Fixed incorrect leave game dialog behavior when in a party.
  • Connecting a SmartGlass device to the X1 while Titanfall is running should no longer cause a crash.
  • You should no longer be able to get behind walls when rodeoing a Titan that is ejecting on Relic.
  • Titan OS no longer says that you are being attacked by an Enemy Pilot when you are inside an enemy Dome Shield.


  • Fixed incorrect leave game dialog behavior when in a party.


  • New game modes including Wingman Last Titan Standing.